Friday, November 11, 2016

Be known by God

What does it mean to be known by God?  Isn't he all knowing (omniscient), all seeing (omnipresent) and the one who knew all my deeds before the creation of the heavens and earth?  What more is there to be known about me?

Maybe the question isn't whether God knows me intimately, because he does know me better than I know myself.  Maybe the question is whether I have let him know me intimately.  Is there something I haven't confessed, something I feel he can't know about (and if God can't know about it nobody can know).

The truth is that anything I hold back on is an idol keeping me from God.  He stands as a loving father, arms open wide to comfort me, and I'm holding something in the way, keeping myself from being known, holding back, and missing the joy of my Father.

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