Thursday, December 1, 2011

Our role in society

I haven't posted in a while, somewhat lacking time and things to share (family activities appear on Facebook...).  I came across this quote this morning, which struck me as applicable today - the solution to the problems of the world is found only in God's work, and God's work through us.

    We cannot pass our responsibility on to politicians, diplomats, economists, technicians, scientists, and secular ideologists. We ourselves are obliged to think about the problems of the form of responsible society and of our own contribution to its creation. Let us avoid the impression that this responsible society will be identical with Christian society. There has been, is, and will be no Christian society, just as there is no Christian state, Christian economy, or Christian civilization. The new earth and the new heaven which we expect in faith will not be the work of human hands, but a creation of God's mercy and justice. And these are essentially eschatological concepts. Christian civilization is an illusion, and every attempt to fight in its name against so-called un- Christian efforts--social and political ideas--is a self- deception and a grave danger to the church itself.
    ... J. L. Hromadka (1889-1969), The Church and Theology in
          Today's Troubled Times, Prague: Ecumenical Council of
          Churches in Czechoslovakia, 1956, p. 80-81
    See the book at
It bothers me that so many people seek to provide solutions that minimize God and minimize personal involvement.  Instead we need more people to seek and find God, and let God work through them.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy New(ish) Year!

I'm still alive, and still here - just a little late in posting something for the new year.  Its been busy...

Things are going pretty well - John had his first TaeKwonDo competition last week, I may be able to get some video up one of these days (requires time to import into the computer, and edit and such...).  Otherwise we're enjoying the weather - Phoenix is a great place in the winter, and pretty much makes up for the summer.  The heat of summer still isn't as bad as shoveling snow, as far as I'm concerned.

Not much else right now.  Hope things are well with y'all.