Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hi there - I'm still alive...

So, its been a while since I posted something.  I actually have a few thoughts that I'd like to post at some point, but feel that I put enough 'heavy' stuff up lately that I'd like to put up something light-hearted and funny.  The only problem is that I've been waiting for the kids to do something 'million-dollar funny' that I could write up (and then somebody will come and buy the story and make a movie and I'll get millions for it...), but obviously that hasn't happened...  Oh well, guess I'll just have to keep working a little longer, before the kids will be able to support me.

I did go camping with Kyle over this weekend - Friday night.  This was an orientation program that the local Boy Scout council puts on to help introduce aspects of cub-scouting to the boys.  While Kyle started last year, we couldn't make it to the overnight because of scheduling conflicts so we went this year.  (Kyle really wanted to go - this is one of the few opportunities to get the Archery and BB-gun belt-loop requirements satisfied, since these have to be performed by trained instructors...)  We did have a lot of fun, and got really tired.  We were able to setup before a dust storm moved through the area - I'm glad that I wasn't trying to setup the tent in the 30 mph+ wind gusts.  I had brought the 'good' tent stakes, and the tent didn't go anywhere - it didn't even really show any evidence of the wind blowing, unlike some other tents around us where the tent was basically being blown flat (the poles couldn't stand up to the wind).  I'm glad that we only had wind - there was a good layer of dust on everything in the tent, but we didn't have to deal with mud.

We were warned about active rattle-snakes in the area, and to stay off the rocks - after Kyle and some other boys had already been climbing on the rocks.  We didn't see or hear any snakes while we were there, so no real problems.  Happily the temperature is down into the 90's now, so it is comfortable enough to camp near Phoenix.

The best part, for Kyle, was the Archery - the boys learned to shoot a bow-and-arrow, how to hold the bow, nock an arrow, draw and release.  This is what he was asking about (when do we do Archery?) and what he wants to do more of.  Maybe after Baseball is done we'll look into archery until spring baseball starts up (in February....).

That's about it for now, its still just barely warm enough to think about getting in the pool (89 degrees right now, water is 86), so we might go do that.

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