Saturday, January 17, 2009

God provides

So, if you've read the previous two days postings you know that my current management doesn't feel that I'm needed anymore. Even though the loss of a job might seems like a big thing, and something that might cause some to doubt God's provision, I can already see how He is working through this, and how He was working even before I knew about my position being reduced:

1) On Thursday morning I had an email in my inbox from a colleague I'd worked with on other projects before, who is in a 'safe' division (one that is still profitable, and likely to stay that way). That group is expanding, and has some openings. So, there is at least one possible opportunity which would cause only a change in my duties, and not in my employment status.

2) Because of the size of the reduction, there is a legal requirement for 60 day notification. Though my last day worked is due to be Jan 30, I remain on the payroll with full benefits (including accruing vacation, which will be paid in April). This accounts to a legally required paid vacation for two months...

3) I have through industry standards activity in the last few years made a number of contacts and references which may be useful. There are people outside of my current group who feel that I am still needed, and are escalating the issue, so my status may be reversed.

While this seems like a nice, rosy set of good provisions, I also have to say that He doesn't always clear up problems in a nice easy package - there may be some lessons He is trying to teach through the experience. I still have the emotional impact to deal with, and still have to take some actions to secure my position. I have to trust Him and listen carefully for how to proceed - to remain in Grayslake (which I felt to be the calling last year) or to take steps I may feel are needed to remain employed, even if that involves moving away. I have to fight through what might be a greedy, world-induced desire to maximize my financial gain (seek work elsewhere and keep the most of the severance package) and see His true path. If no internal opportunity arises, I have to trust in His provision and leadership - that He will provide employment before we run out of money, and to see clearly where we should go or stay and what adjustments may be necessary.

Part of this experience is to remind me not to put trust in anything of the world - but to trust in God for provision. Perhaps we will become missionaries - that is a safe job which will not go away (until Jesus returns at least) - though the pay is much les....

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Live blogging from layoff land (2)

It seems that I, and most of the rest of my team, are no longer needed. At least I now know the direction to take, and will likely have some extra free time after Jan. 30 (and as much as I can steal before then).

Live blogging from Layoff land

So, if you've read the news today you probably saw a story about my employer releasing 4000 people this week. Meetings are going on around here today and tomorrow, where people learn their fate. I have a mandatory, in-person meeting (with the rest of my team) set for 1:30. Either we all stay or we all leave is my take - just don't know which yet.

I will provide information when I learn it. I'm not overly concerned either way - if I get to leave, it might involve a move; if I stay I have to deal with deteriorating morale in a company which still hasn't shown that it can sort out management and program inefficiencies to compete in todays cell-phone market. Not sure which is better - one hand has 26 weeks of severance pay and 2 months of medical insurance (plenty of time to lean on my network to find a position), the other has continuing job security - though at a company which is rapidly going into the ground...

Friday, January 2, 2009

Why we need God

I've seen a number of things in the last week that I find interesting, as they point out a few truths from the Bible, and how we need God, even if we don't want to admit that.

There have been a number of 'displays' created by atheist groups, joining in the nativity, menorah, etc. displays around the country. I find it interesting how as these groups explain what they are doing, that they feel they need to convince people that we are 'past the religious superstition of the past'. The atheists recognize that people (and this is from all culture groups and countries) seem to always seek after some 'myth' that leads to greater explanation of what is going on... While some of the 'myths' have been answered by science (which I think is the premise of the atheist argument - that science has provided answers for all the reasons that people seek religious explanations) there are a number which have not - we don't know just how the universe began, we don't know how awareness in humans comes about, and we don't know why humans in particular enjoy some things like music.

I also read an interesting article about 'humanism' as a 'religion'. This is a growing movement to provide the rituals and fellowship that are found in a church, without being religious (other than perhaps worshiping humanity...). This also points to a huge need within people to be part of something larger - that we aren't satisfied being alone, and weren't created to be self-sufficient. The 'Humanists' seek the relation, but don't want religion (yet, they are creating something like a religion in providing the framework for the relation...).

This need to be part of something larger is really our (humanity's) desire to be in right relation to God. We were created to be with God (look at Genesis 2, the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden). Because of sin (see Genesis 3) we can't have that relation. That need is 'written' into us - it is part of our being, it is made clear, as in Romans 1-20:
For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
(read Romans 1-3 for a really great explanation of how this need for relation exists, and why we can't have it - Romans 4-8 talk about the solution).

So, if the explanation to our 'obsessive and irrational need' to be in something greater, which leads to the perceived need for religion and ritual, is found in God, why isn't that obvious to all? Because we (humans with free will) have again (and continue to) rejected God.
Romans 2:5 - But because of your stubborness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God's wrath, when his righteous judgement will be revealed.
Those who seek to be free from God will :
Be ever hearing, but never understanding;
be ever seeing, but never perceiving.
Make the heart of this people calloused;
make their ears dull and close their eyes.
Otherwise they might see with their eyes,
hear with their ears,
understand with their hearts,
and turn and be healed.
- Isaiah 6:9-10
If we refuse to accept God, we will not be able to understand His ways and His doings, and will not be able to see the mercy which He has for us. This is the missing piece in the above examples - people who have consciously separated themselves from God (the definition of an atheist) cannot see the work of God, and have to seek within Human knowledge for why things are the way they are - when the truth is that God placed them there. Why do humans enjoy music? So that they may encounter God in music, and because He loves music. Why do humans feel a need for religion? We were created to worship God.

If you don't understand what I've written here, maybe you need to find a way to relation with God. Because of our sin, only one way exists - through knowing the rising Jesus as your Redeemer and Savior - He who dies as a sacrifice for your sins, so that you may approach God as holy and blameless...

Cute Kidisms

New quote - yesterday evening, after we watched a taped broadcast of the Nutcracker Ballet, Jessi asked 'Is BB King still alive?". We said we thought so, and asked why she wanted to know. Jessi explained that she thought she saw him in the finale scene of the ballet.....

We had to explain that his music is a little different than what you would find in a ballet...